Dr. Stef Stienstra is CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear)-subject matter Expert for the Dutch Armed Forces, and lecturer at the NATO School in Oberammergau and the NATO Joint CBRN-defense Centre of Excellence. He is also Visiting Professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata for their CBRN MSc curriculum.
He is a specialist in biological monitoring, detection/triggering, identification and diagnosis in victims of air-borne biological threats. Dr. Stienstra thinks, with his ample experience with flow-cytometry, that:
“the HoloZcan holographic microscopy and imaging technology is promising for detection of potential biological threats or attacks. The instrument enables to detect, with mature machine learning and artificial intelligence software, the abnormalities in the ambient air in an efficient and cost-effective way. With the HoloZcan database of ‘fingerprints’, the potential threatful pathogen can be identified immediately after the flow through the instrument”.
Dr Stef Stienstra contributes with critical ideas to the HoloZcan Stakeholders group.